The chairs of Computer Science in Architecture and Computational Architecture at the Bauhaus-University Weimar have developed a few Grasshopper snippets for the course Computational Urban Analysis. To make them accessible to a wider audience, we share them on this blogpost. There are additional scripts provided in the Parametric Planning Catalogue ::
Divide by Area
Implementation of Sumit Kheterapal’s equal plot division algorithm with improvments in choosing preferred direction of divisions and setting of individual areas.
Area Blobs
Regions grow in circular, squared or rhombus-like directions until they reach their demanded area. This component makes use of Alpha Shape by Mateusz Zwierzycki which is part of Milkbox.
Automatic Pipe Dimensioning
EPANET hydrology analysis combined with Anemone by Mateusz Zwierzycki to automatically dimension pipes.
Visual Distance
Calculate a smallest number of turns neccesary to reach any area from a set of given start points. This snippet makes use of SpiderWeb 4.2 by Richard Schaffranek.
Easy Plots
Curves drawn on a layer are directly segmented. Closed segments are turned into areas with an offset and coloured according to their size.
Distance to all buildings
The distance from each building to all other building is calculated. Grayscale colours show which ones have the shortest and longest ways. Furtheron the streets are coloured by their Betweenness Centrality.
Path by Steepness
A path is calculated by the steepness of the terrain. The angle can be adjusted to get flat or steep paths. This snippet makes use of SpiderWeb by Richard Schaffranek.
Weighted boundary
A boundary is created around a point with a given area. The influence of terrain and road can be weighte and lead to different results. This component makes use of Alpha Shape by Mateusz Zwierzycki which is part of Milkbox. The script is inspired by work of Ondřej Veselý.
Includes further on a definition to expand streets by weight.
Fill polygons by area
An adapted version of the weighted boundary script, which adds two more boundaries to the Grasshopper definition and keeps all of them inside of given polygon shapes.
Kangaroo bubble diagram
Bubbles with given area can be repositioned and keep each other out of bounds. This component makes use of Kanagaroo Physics by Daniel Piker.
A script which redistributes quantities to other points by given percentage.
Dear ,
Thank you for sharing the files with us ,however most of them comes with definitions errors(I’m not talking about external plugins which I have downloaded).
Is it possible ,please, to get some help , I would like to experiment with the path steepness file .
Thank you again
Dear Lola,
since we regularly update the DeCodingSpaces-Toolbox, the old definitions are often showing some errors, because of the components of the new versions have different features. You may try to replace a component with an error with the current component.
Sometimes also the data structures change. In this case, it is more complicated to fix the problem. But usually, we provide new definitions for the students. Maybe you find something in the OTP forum.
Best regards
Dear Reinhard Koenig, I am doing a final undergraduate work on parametric urbanism. I was very interested without a Sumit Khetarpal script, however it is not available for download. Could you provide me? It will help me a lot!
Thank you,
Adriane Eloah
Dear Adriane,
the download should work. With some browsers, it may work with right-mouse click -> save as.
There is also another page, where you can find a corresponding download:
Best regards
I got it with the right button! Thank you!
I also loved this site that you gave me.
Dear Sir Reinhard ,
thank you very much for your answer.I followed your advice and replaced the old definitions by the new one and now it’s working.
Thank you your articles and works ,it helps me in learning more and more and to experiment with space syntax in my work.
Glad to discover it .
Best regards,
Thank you.
Dear Reinhard Koenig,
First and foremost, thank you very much for all the work you’ve done and for sharing it. I am finishing my Architecture Thesis and it would be of great help and support to work with the “Fill polygons by area” script that appears on the site, but it is not possible to download it.
Is there another link where we could find the file? Could you provide it for me, please?
Dear Lore Labropoulos,
I’ve just checked the links – they work fine for me (with Firefox). Maybe try another browser?
Best regards