The further explained grasshopper scripts on the building volumes generation are the output of the DigiWo reserach cooperation between the Bauhaus University Weimar, Decoding Spaces GbR and DIPLAN (today: REHUB digitale Planer). This research was supported by the...

Tutorial | 2D and 3D isovists for visibility analysis
This tutorial demonstrates the use of 2d and 3d isovist components for the visibility analysis of architectural and urban space. The collection of example files presented in this blog post is part of the online course on visibility analysis from online teaching...

Urban Planning Table – Integrated Infrastructure
Rapid urbanisation pressures Ethiopian villages to grow to towns in the coming years. – In our research project “Integrated Infrastructure – IN³” we explore methods that could assist urban stakeholders and local authorities to understand rural urban transformation and it planning relevant issues

Evolving Configurational Properties
article published at 12th Space Syntax Symposium at Jiaotong University, Beijing, China SIMULATING MULTIPLIER EFFECTS BETWEEN LAND USE AND MOVEMENT PATTERNS Martin Bielik 1, Reinhard Koenig2,3 , Ekaterina Fuchkina1, Sven Schneider1, Abdulmalik Abdulmawla1...

SSS12 Workshop | Parametric urban planning with Space Syntax and DeCodingSpaces-toolbox for Grasshopper
The workshop on parametric urban planning with Space Syntax and DeCodingSpaces-toolbox for Grasshopper is hosted by: The 12th International Space Syntax Symposium (12SSS) will be held in Beijing from 8th to 13th July 2019, at Beijing Jiaotong University ...

SimAUD 2019 Workshop | Adaptive Urban Layout Optimization with DeCodingSpaces-Toolbox
During this one-day-workshop you will be introduced to methods for the analysis, synthesis and optimization of urban layouts. We will cover computational generation of the street network, parcellation and the building form, based on the existing urban context and...

Magnetizing Floor Plan Generator
Presented project can be considered as an exploration of various ways of generating floor plans for publicbuildings. Public buildings were chosen because of their complex and non-standardized structure. The aim was totry different approaches, choose the best methods...

Spatial Resilience Towards Flooding Hazards
Urban development projects in flood-prone areas are usually complex tasks where failures can cause disastrous outcomes. To tackle this problem, we introduce a toolbox (Spatial Resilience Toolbox – Flooding, short: SRTF) to integrate flooding related aspects into the...

Discovering Cities Workshop | Amman
Hosted by: German Jordanian University, SABE (Amman, Jordan)Funded by: DAAD Locating and dimensioning spatial objects and with it the creation of spaces is at the heart of urban design. Thereby it is necessary to precast the effects that design decisions have on the...

Urban Elements
This blog post aims to expand the discourse on parametric urban design education by introducing ‘Urban Elements’ as conceptual urban design instruments with an inherent rule-based logic, which can help to bridge gaps in teaching parametric urban design...